Welcome to IPM

    A professional body for people management


    Welcome to IPM

    A professional body for people management

    The Institute of People Management (IPM)

    Is a professional membership body representing the human resource and people management fraternity. We are a not-for-profit, independent body with official professional recognition from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).

    We dedicate our efforts to providing knowledge and tools for strategic and operational people management and development that contributes to the growth, profitability and sustainability of businesses.  Our values are member-centricity, integrity and advocacy.

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    The Institute of People Management (IPM)

    Why Choose Us

    Leading experts

    With our team, you’re provided with more time, manpower and resources at your fingertips.


    We love working with fantastic clients and care about our clients and their goals.


    We don’t settle for anything but the best, and neither should you when it comes to training and skills development.

    High quality standards

    Our attention to detail, scheduling of timelines and keen project management, make us a reliable strategic partner.



    The Institute of People Management (IPM)

    Membership Benefits and Services

    The Institute of People Management (IPM)


    People Dynamics

    Members get access to the electronic version of People Dynamics, the institute’s official quarterly magazine.


    Online Journals

    Members have access to two leading academic journals for Human Resource Management and Industrial Psychology.


    Mentoring Programme

    We are intent on supporting and building the profession for both today and tomorrow. For more information please Email info@ipm.co.za


    Subject Matter Specialist

    If you need any information, support or assistance, we can assist and connect you to industry experts.

    2023  IPM

    2023 IPM

    Up-Coming Events

    People Dynamics

    People Dynamics

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    Quintus Sliep, Managing Director at Worldwide Staffing

    Sourcing a skilled, safe, and compliant labour force for the mining sector by partnering with a TES provider.

    Sourcing a skilled, safe, and compliant labour force for the mining sector by partnering with a TES provider.

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    Belia Nel, Performance Enabler and Certified Performance Technologist (ISPI)

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    Clarifying the role of breathalyser results in employee dismissals: Dispelling misconceptions to ensure workplace safety

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